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May 30, 2022

Chris Beausang (@ilchinealach) is a writer and critic based in Dublin. His novel Tunnel of Toads is forthcoming from Marrowbone Books. 

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May 29, 2022

Friend of the podcast Zeyad el Nabolsy (@ZNabolsy) returns to guest host this episode with Ayesha Umaña Dajud (@AyeshaUmanaD) on the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People's Army (FARC) and the prospects for peace in Colombia.

A preview of the latest bonus episode. Get access to it and hours and hours of bonus...

May 18, 2022

Friend of the podcast Amanda (@catcontentonly) in conversation with another friend of the podcast, journalist Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton):

"The Ukraine war is a government subsidy straight to the military industrial complex...another massive wealth transfer to the US capitalist class" 

May 11, 2022

Chris Beausang (@ilchinealach) returns to the show to discuss the recent elections in Norther Ireland.
A preview of the latest bonus episode. Get access to it and hours and hours of bonus content by signing up at the $5 level.  

*You're gonna be noticing more paywalled content going forward. As much as I want...